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In August 1981, Sony unveiled a prototype of the Sony Mavica as the world's first electronic still camera. As with all Mavica cameras until the early 1990s (including later models sold commercially) this first model was not digital. Sony Mvc C1 Still Video Camera Service Manual DOWNLOAD HERE. This is a Service Manual for Sony MVC C1 STILL VIDEO CAMERA and covers every part of. This is a Service Manual for Sony MVC C1 STILL VIDEO CAMERA and covers every part of it, in and out, and is made specifically for this model and series. This manual is complete in itself and has all the information which the CD ROM Manual contains. 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User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Sony HDRCX190 Camcorder. Database contains 3 Sony HDRCX190 Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operating manual, Specifications, Operation users manual. Be among the first to get the latest Sony news in your inbox. Drivers Software How To Troubleshooting Manuals, Specs Warranty News Alerts Remote Control Programming. Register a Product Repair Parts If you prefer a paper hard copy of a manual, you can purchase it from the True. This is COMPLETE MANUAL for Sony MVR C100 STILL VIDEO RECORDER, and covers every part of it, in and out, and is made specifically for this model and series. In August, 1981, Sony announced the Sony Mavica (Magnetic Video Camera) electronic still camera, the first commercial electronic still camera. It was not a digital camera, as its CCD sensor produced an analog video signal in the NTSC format at a resolution of 570 490 pixels. 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